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內蒙古鴻德文理學院中國北方巖畫研究所, 是“中國巖畫學之父”蓋山林先生倡導并由甲骨文專家周玉樹教授鼎力支持下,建立的內蒙古乃至中國北方第一家專門從事巖畫研究的實體機構。目前研究所由國內著名的巖畫專家陳兆復、蓋山林、李祥石等為名譽所長,研究所現(xiàn)有碩士生導師三名、客座教授六名,碩士研究生三名,從事巖畫和相關文史及文物鑒賞的教學與研究工作。研究所瞄準目前國內前沿課題,各自獨立、各有分工、專項推進。承擔著巖畫藝術鑒賞,人文歷史及文物鑒賞等教學任務。同時開展了三皇巖畫的發(fā)現(xiàn)研究、新石器早中晚期巖畫的分期研究,北方重要的彩陶譜系研究、火神等原始宗教歸類譜系研究等工作,并取得初步成果。目前中國最早的三皇體系研究、中國史前蹴鞠巖畫研究,中國火神巖畫及交流傳承研究、新石器早期巖畫斷代研究等工作已經(jīng)走到了國內此方面研究的前列,其研究成果在國內主流期刊發(fā)表,并被新華社、中新社等國內外媒體進行重點報道。

Thanks to Mr. Gai Shanlin, who is known as the father of China rock art, and the support of Professor Zhou Yushu, North China Rock Art Research Institute of Honder College of Inner Mongolia Normal University, , has been established as the first entity body that is engaged in the rock art research in the north China. The institute was founded in March, 2014 and is honored to have Chen Zhaofu, Ge Shanlin, Li Xiangshi, the famous Chinese rock art experts, as honorary chiefs. Currently, there are 3 postgraduate tutors, 6 guest professors and 3 postgraduates working in this institute. The institute focuses on frontier subject of rock art in China, and undertakes the task of teaching the courses of rock art appreciation and cultural relic appreciation; meanwhile, the institute has discovered and studied the “three emperors” rock art, the age-old religion system of China. It also conducts the research in the rock art of Neolithic period, the genealogy of ancient painting pottery in northern China and the genealogy of primitive religion classification like "God of fire", and has achieved positive results. The research work of this institute is at the forefront of Chinese rock art study and its research results are published in the Chinese mainstream journals and reported by Chinese and Foreign media.


Report  from Inner Mongolia TV Station

周玉樹教授和吳甲才教授參加寧夏國際巖畫高峰論壇并在大會上發(fā)言 Professor Zhou Yushu and Professor Wu Jiacai attended Ningxia International Rock Art Summit and made a speech.
